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By submitting this completed information form (Form), you acknowledge that your personal information including your name, age, gender, email address, and postcode (Personal Information) is being provided to The Pharmacy Guild of Australia ABN 84 519 669 143 (Guild).
The Personal Information you provide will be used by the Guild to keep you informed about the services, developments and issues in the practice of community pharmacy, and to send you marketing material about products, offers, services and events relating to community pharmacy that you have selected (Services).
The Guild is a network of branches and, as such, may disclose your Personal Information to the Guild’s state and territory branches (Branches). The Guild may also disclose your Personal Information to its related bodies corporate, and to agents, contractors, service providers and partners engaged by the Guild or its Branches to provide the Services. The Guild will not otherwise use or disclose your Personal Information, unless you have given consent, or the Guild is authorised or required to do so by law. Your Personal Information will be retained in Australia unless we notify you otherwise.
For more information about how the Guild handles your Personal Information, how you can request to access, correct or update the Personal Information the Guild holds about you, and who to contact if you have a privacy enquiry or complaint, please see the Guild’s Privacy Policy. If you elect not to provide your consent to any or all of the uses or disclosures of your Personal Information proposed in this Form, we will be unable to provide you with the Services. You can also withdraw your consent or amend your preferences at any time, by just letting us know.
Everyday health
Women's health
Harm reduction & dependency
My medicines
Chronic conditions
Testing & screening